Tanami People
Non-Executive Chairman– Arthur G Dew, B.A., L.L.B. (appointed 2 December 2011 as a Non-Executive Director and Non-Executive Chairman as of 27 November 2018)
Mr Arthur Dew graduated from the Law School of the University of Sydney, Australia, and was admitted as a Solicitor and later as a Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia. Mr Dew is a non-practising Barrister with a broad range of corporate and business experience and has served as a director, and in some instances Chairman of the Board of Directors, of several publicly listed companies in Australia, Hong Kong and elsewhere. He is Chairman and Non-Executive Director of Hong Kong listed companies Allied Group Limited (Stock Code: 373), APAC Resources Limited (Stock Code: 1104) and Dragon Mining Limited (Stock Code: 1712). Mr Dew retired as a Non-Executive Director of ASX listed company Tian An Australia Limited (previously known as PBD Developments Limited) (ASX: TIA) on 19 May 2023. Mr Dew retired from the positions of Chairman and Non-Executive Director of Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited (a company previously listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Limited until 26 November 2020) with effect from 1 January 2021 and resigned as a Non-Executive Director of Hong Kong listed company SHK Hong Kong Industries Limited effective 27 April 2021.
Non-Executive Director– Brett R Smith (appointed 27 November 2018)
Mr Brett Smith graduated from Melbourne University, Australia with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering with Honours. He has also obtained a master’s degree in business administration from Henley Management College, the United Kingdom and a master’s degree in research methodology from Macquarie University, Australia. Mr Smith has participated in the development of several mining and mineral processing projects including coal, iron ore, base and precious metals. He has also managed engineering and construction companies in Australia and internationally. Mr Smith has served on the board of private mining and exploration companies and has over 32 years of international experience in the engineering, construction, and mineral processing businesses. Mr Smith is the Executive Director of ASX listed company Metals X Limited (ASX: MLX) and Hong Kong listed company Dragon Mining Limited (Stock Code: 1712). and a Non-Executive Director of ASX listed companies Prodigy Gold NL (formerly known as ABM Resources NL) (ASX: PRX), and Nico Resources Limited (ASX: NC1). Mr Smith resigned as a Non-Executive Director of ASX Listed Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT) on 26 May 2023 and resigned as Executive Director and Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong listed company APAC Resources Limited (Stock Code: 1104) on 24 November 2023.
Non-Executive Director– Carlisle C Procter, B.Ec, M.Ec, FFin, (appointed 9 December 2011)
Mr Carlisle Procter graduated from the University of Sydney with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in economics. He is a fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FFin.). Based in Australia, Mr Procter worked in the Reserve Bank of Australia for over 30 years, holding various senior management positions. Since leaving the Reserve Bank, he has worked as a consultant to the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank and has also undertaken private consulting work in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Mr Procter has been a Non-Executive Director of several public companies. He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Hong Kong listed company Dragon Mining Limited (Stock Code: 1712).
Non-Executive Director– Brett Montgomery (appointed 6 February 2013)
Mr Brett Montgomery has extensive experience in the management of publicly listed mining companies having previously been the Managing Director of Kalimantan Gold NL, a Director of Grants Patch Mining Limited and Chairman and Joint Managing Director of Eurogold Limited. Mr Montgomery was appointed Non-Executive Director of AIC Mines Limited (formerly AIC Resources Limited) on 11 February 2019 (ASX: A1M) and appointed Non-Executive Chairman of Golden Rim Resources Limited on 1 February 2023 (ASX: GMR).He was a Non-Executive Director of Bard1 Life Sciences Limited (formerly Eurogold Limited) (resigned on 17 June 2019).
Special responsibilities - Member of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Non-Executive Director – Neale M Edwards BAppScin App Geo and BSc (Hons); Fellow of Australian Institute of Geoscientists (FAIG) (appointed 28 May 2021)
Mr Neale Edwards has over 30 years of experience in the mineral exploration and mining industry. Mr Edwards holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Geology and a Bachelor of Science with Honours and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Edwards experience covers projects ranging from grassroots level through to mine development and mining in major geological provinces in Australia, the Pacific Rim, northern Africa, and northern Europe. Mr Edwards was responsible for the discovery of significant gold resources in the Southern Cross Province of Western Australia for Samantha Gold and the identification of project opportunities that resulted in Hong Kong listed, Dragon Mining Limited (HKEx:1712), becoming an established gold producer in the Nordic Region. Mr Edwards is currently the Chief Geologist for Dragon Mining Limited and a Non-Executive Director of Prodigy Gold NL (ASX:PRX).
Special responsibilities – Member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Alternate Chairman for Mr Arthur Dew (Chairman)
Mark Tai Chun Wong (appointed 9 December 2011)
Mr Mark Wong has a Master's Degree in Business Administration and is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries. Mark is also an executive director of Allied Overseas Limited ("AOL") and was appointed the chief executive officer of AOL in November 2010. Mark is also an executive director of each of Allied Properties (HK) Limited and SHK HK Industries Limited.
Mr Wong has been appointed as the Alternate Director to Mr Dew for APAC Resources Limited effective 1 March 2016.
Chief Financial Officer –Daniel Broughton (appointed 8 September 2014)
Mr. Daniel Broughton was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Company on 8 September 2014 and is responsible for ensuring the Company’s compliance with corporate and statutory obligation and financial reporting. Mr. Broughton has over 15 years’ experience with financial operations of mining companies. Mr. Broughton is also the Chief Financial Officer of HKEx listed company Dragon Mining Limited (Stock Code: 1712) and ASX listed Metals X Limited (ASX: MLX). Mr Broughton is a Director of the Metals X Limited 50% owned Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture. Mr. Broughton graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from Murdoch University, Australia in September 2005 and obtained a Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting from The Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia in July 2010.
Company Secretary
Pauline Collinson (appointed 19 July 2013)
Ms Pauline Collinson was appointed as Company Secretary of the Company on 19 July 2013. She is currently the Company Secretary of ASX listed BARD1 Life Sciences Limited (ASX:BD1) and and HKEx listed company Dragon Mining Limited (Stock Code 1712).